3 Ways to Save on Business Technology Costs

What computer should we use, Windows or Macs?

Often times I am asked by prospects “What computer should we use, Windows or Macs?” And my answer typically is, “Depending on what you use for your business, it could be either, or both.”

What does this mean?

In 2022 more traditional applications work on both Mac/Windows or are web-based so will work on anything.

So what is the hang-up for using Windows devices over Macs?

Usually cost.

Windows laptops are available at price points that Apple doesn’t want to go near. Apple tends to offer a premium level of hardware where it really matters, the UI and what you perceive as happening on your computer.

Are they they the absolutely fastest devices out there? Probably not. Do they tend to last longer because they use better hardware? That’s what we are seeing.

So if you have a machine that costs 25% more and gives you a few extra years of service from it, AND the device itself is solidly built, why would you not consider this?